
Pricing will be out about May or June 2024. (Prices have gone up, like gas, food, hotels, etc. please thank your current government).

We are in the process of getting local sponsors to offset the costs.

We are also setting up a raffle (rifle, shotgun, and pistol).

We are also working on local outings like visiting USS Constitution, local breweries for tours and lunch, the Fort Devens and the American Heritage (Hudson) Museums, and others.

Reception: Wednesday 16 OCT 24 about 2000

Banquet: Friday 19 OCT 24 about 2000

Taps Bar on Fort Devens 17 & 18 OCT 24 about 1800

10TH Group will send a contingent again, possibly with static displays with new equipment.

Still working on events for 17, 18, & 19 OCT 24.
